اِنجیلئے مانا وشّێن مِستاگ و هال اِنت. ایسّا مَسیها وت اے لبز په وتی کلئو و پئیگاما کاربند کرتگ، هما کلئو که آییا جار جتگ. رندترا آییئے مُرید و باوَرمندان، آ کتاب که ایسّائے زندمان و درس و سَبَکانی بارئوا نبیسگ بوتگاَتنت، «اِنجیل» یا «وشّێن مِستاگ» نام پِر بستنت. ایسّایی کلیسا چار اِنجیلا منّیت، مَتّا، مَرکاس، لوکا و یوهَنّا. پاکێن اِنجیل چه مَرکاسئے کَلَما تئوارئے درۆشما اِدا شمئے دێما اِنت.

پاکێن اِنجیل چه مَرکاسئے کَلَما (تمان) | The message of John the Baptist | The baptism and temptations of Jesus | The calling of four fishermen | The expelling of a demon from a possessed man | The healing of the sick | The announcement of the Good News of the Gospel | The healing of a person with leprosy | The healing of a paralyzed man | The calling of Levi | About fasting | Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath | The healing of another disabled person | Many people follow Jesus | The selection of twelve special messengers | Jesus and Beelzebul | Jesus' mother and brothers | The parable of the sowing of grain | The meaning of the parable of the sowing of grain | The parable of the lamp | The seed that grows | The parable of the smallest seed | The calming of the storm | The healing of a demon possessed | Jesus heals a woman and raises a girl from the dead | Jesus returns to Nazareth | Jesus sends out the twelve messengers | The killing of John the Baptist | The feeding of five thousand people | Jesus walks on water | The healing of the sick | A clean heart | The faith of a gentile woman | The healing of a deaf and dumb man | The feeding of four thousand people | The desire for a sign from heaven | The bad yeast of Herod and the Pharisees | Jesus makes a blind person see | Peter's testimony | Jesus' first foretelling of his death | Following Jesus | Jesus' glorious physical appearance | The healing of a demon possessed boy | The second foretelling of Jesus' death | What is greatness? | The one who is not against us is for us | About temptation and wrongdoing | About marriage and divorce | Jesus and small children | The rich young man and eternal life | The third foretelling of Jesus' death | An improper wish | The healing of the blind Bartimaeus | Welcoming Jesus | The drying up of a fig tree | Expelling of the merchants from the temple | The lesson of the fig tree | The authority of Jesus | The parable of the bad gardeners | About taxes | The resurrection and marriage | The greatest commandment | Whose son is Jesus? | Jesus exposes the teachers of the law | The alms of a widow | Jesus' foretelling of the time to come | Terrifying times and conditions | The return of Jesus | The plot to kill Jesus | A woman anoints Jesus | Judas betrays Jesus | The preparation of the Passover festival | The last supper | The foretelling of Peter's denial | Jesus' prayer | The arresting of Jesus | Jesus at the Council of the Elders | Peter's denial | Jesus before Pilate | Ridiculing Jesus | Jesus and the cross | Jesus' death | Jesus' burial | Jesus' resurrection | Jesus' appearing | Jesus appears to his eleven disciples | Jesus ascends to heaven