اِنجیلئے مانا وشّێن مِستاگ و هال اِنت. ایسّا مَسیها وت اے لبز په وتی کلئو و پئیگاما کاربند کرتگ، هما کلئو که آییا جار جتگ. رندترا آییئے مُرید و باوَرمندان، آ کتاب که ایسّائے زندمان و درس و سَبَکانی بارئوا نبیسگ بوتگاَتنت، «اِنجیل» یا «وشّێن مِستاگ» نام پِر بستنت. ایسّایی کلیسا چار اِنجیلا منّیت، مَتّا، مَرکاس، لوکا و یوهَنّا. پاکێن اِنجیل چه یوهَنّائے کَلَما تئوارئے درۆشما اِدا شمئے دێما اِنت.
پاکێن اِنجیل چه یوهَنّائے کَلَما (تمان) | The Word became man | The testimony of John the Baptist | The Lamb of God | Jesus' first disciples | Philip and Nathanael | The wedding at Cana | Jesus goes to the temple | Jesus and Nicodemus | Jesus and John the Baptist | The one who comes from heaven | Jesus and the Samaritan woman | The healing of the son of a royal servant | The healing of a sick man | The authority of the Son of God | Testimonies about Jesus | The feeding of five thousand people | Jesus walks on water | Everlasting bread | Peter's testimony | Jesus with his brothers | Jesus goes to Jerusalem | Is Jesus the actual Messiah? | Attempts at arresting Jesus | Living water | The disagreement among people | The unbelief of the Jewish leaders | The forgiving of a adulterous woman | Jesus is the light of the world | You cannot come to the place where I go | Slavery and freedom | Jesus and Abraham | The healing of a person born blind | The person born blind and the questions of the Pharisees | The blind in heart | The good shepherd | The Jews don't accept Jesus | The death of Lazarus | Jesus is the life and resurrection | The crying of Jesus | Lazarus comes to life | The plot to kill Jesus | Mary anoints Jesus' feet | Welcoming Jesus | The Greeks meet Jesus | Jesus' words about his death | The unbelief of the Jews | Jesus washes the feet of the disciples | The prediction of the arrest | The new commandment | The foretelling of Peter's denial | Jesus is the only way to God | The promise that God's Holy Spirit will be given | The true vine | The hatred of the world | The work of God's Holy Spirit | Sorrow and joy | Victory over the world | Intercession for the disciples | The arrest of Jesus | Jesus before the high priest | Peter's denial | The questioning of Jesus | Peter denies Jesus once more | Jesus before Pilate | The hatred of the Jews and the uncertainty of Pilate | Jesus and the cross | Jesus gives up his spirit | Jesus is pierced | Jesus' burial | The empty tomb | Jesus is revealed to Mary Magdalene | Jesus is revealed to the disciples | Jesus and Thomas | The purpose of writing this book | Jesus is revealed to seven disciples | Jesus and Peter | Final words