This book, the Acts of the Apostles, is the continuation of the Gospel of Luke. In this second book of his, Luke shows how the Holy Spirit came down on the disciples and how they bravely went into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and other regions far away and proclaimed the Good News about Jesus. Luke talks about the birth of the Church and in this book we also come to understand how this Church grew.

The Acts of the Apostles (complete) | The promise of the descent of God's Holy Spirit | Jesus ascends to heaven | Filling Judas' place | The descent of God's Holy Spirit | Peter gives a speech before the crowd | The communal life of the believers | Peter heals | Peter's message | Peter and John before the Council of the Elders | The prayer of the believers | The sharing of the believers | Ananias and Sapphira | The messengers perform healings | The messengers are imprisoned | The selection of seven people for serving | Stephen's arrest | Stephen's speech | About Abraham | About Joseph | From Moses to Solomon | Stephen's final words | Stephen's stoning | The attack on the believers | Philip comes to Samaria | Simon the sorcerer | Philip and the Ethiopian courtier | Saul becomes a believer | The disclosure of Saul's faith | Saul in Jerusalem | Aeneas and Dorcas | Cornelius' vision | Peter's vision | Peter and Cornelius | Peter's speech | The Holy Spirit is given also to the Gentiles | Peter's explanation and information | The church in Antioch | Peter's liberation | Herod's death | Barnabas and Saul | The sending of Barnabas and Saul | Barnabas and Saul towards Cyprus | Paul gives a speech in the synagogue of the Jews | Paul and Barnabas reach Iconium | Paul and Barnabas go to Lystra | Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch | The council at Jerusalem | The letter from the church in Jerusalem to the gentile believers | The dispute between Paul and Barnabas | Timothy joins the trip | Paul's vision | Lydia becomes a believer | Paul and Silas in prison | The turmoil at Thessalonica | Paul and Silas in the town of Berea | Paul in the town of Athens | Paul in the town of Corinth | Paul at the court of Gallio | Paul returns to Antioch | Apollos | Paul in the town of Ephesus | The turmoil at Ephesus | Paul towards Macedonia and Greece | A young man comes to life | Towards the harbor of Miletus | Paul's speech to the elders from Ephesus | Going to Jerusalem | Paul in the town of Jerusalem | Paul's arrest | Paul's speech | Questioning Paul | Paul before the Council of the Jewish Elders | The plot to have Paul killed | Paul goes to Caesarea | Paul is brought before Felix | Paul defends himself | Paul before Felix | Paul before Festus | Paul before king Agrippa | Paul declares himself guiltless | Paul's desire for Agrippa to become a believer | Paul and the journey to Rome | The big storm | The shipwreck | Paul's miracle on the island of Malta | Paul goes to Rome | Paul in the town of Rome