The meaning of the word Gospel is Good News. Jesus Christ himself used this word for his message, the message he himself announced. Later on, his disciples and those who believed in him called those books that tell us about Jesus and His life and teachings “Gospel” or “Good News”. The Christian Church accepts four Gospels, those written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Holy Gospel of Matthew in the Balochi language is available in written and audio form here.

The Gospel of Matthew (complete) | The genealogy of Jesus | The birth of Jesus Christ | The coming of the Magi to visit Jesus | Travelling to Egypt | Herod has the children killed | Travelling to Nazareth | The message of John the Baptist | The baptism of Jesus | Satan tempts Jesus | The beginning of Jesus' ministry | Jesus' first four disciples | Jesus' ministry in the province of Galilee | Being blessed | Salt and light | The fulfilment of the law | Killing | Adultery and divorce | Oath | Revenge | Christ-like love | Sincere almsgiving | Prayer | Fasting | Riches in the coming world | The light of the body | A life free from worries | Passing judgement | Dogs and a golden necklace | The one who seeks finds | The golden command | The narrow doorway | Tree and fruit | Wisdom and foolishness | The healing of a person with leprosy | The faith of a military officer | The healing of the sick | Who can be the disciple of Jesus? | The calming of the storm | The healing of two demon possessed men | The healing of a paralyzed man | The calling of Matthew | About fasting | Healing a woman and bringing a girl to life | The healing of two blind men | The healing of a mute | The harvest and harvesters | The twelve special messengers of Jesus | The one who endures will be saved | Truth cannot be hidden | I have come to divide truth and untruth | Jesus and John the Baptist | About John the Baptist | The woes of Jesus | The yoke of Jesus | Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath | The healing of a disabled man | The elected one of God | Jesus and Beelzebul | Tree and fruit | The desire for a sign | A fortress in ruins | Jesus' mother and brothers | The parable of the sowing of grain | The secret of God's kingdom | The meaning of the parable of the sowing of grain | The parable of the weed | The parable of the smallest seed | The parable of the yeast | The meaning of the parable of the weed | Three more parables about the Kingdom of Heaven | Jesus returns to Nazareth | The killing of John the Baptist | The feeding of five thousand people | Jesus walks on water | The healing of the sick | A clean heart | The faith of a gentile woman | The healing of many people | The feeding of four thousand people | The desire for a sign from heaven | The bad yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees | Peter's testimony | Jesus foretelling of his death and resurrection | Following Jesus | Jesus' glorious physical appearance | The healing of a demon possessed boy | The second foretelling of Jesus' death | The temple tax | What is greatness? | The one who causes mistakes | The lost sheep | About a brother who commits mistakes | The parable of the unkind servant | About marriage and divorce | Jesus and small children | The rich young man and eternal life | The workers and the wages | The third foretelling of Jesus' death | An improper wish | The healing of two blind men | Welcoming Jesus | Expelling of the merchants from the temple | The drying up of a fig tree | The authority of Jesus | The parable of two sons | The parable of the evil gardeners | The wedding of the king's son | About taxes | The resurrection and marriage | The greatest commandment | Whose son is Jesus? | Jesus exposes the Pharisees and the teachers of the law | Jesus' sorrow and anguish for Jerusalem | The destruction of the temple | The signs of the last time | Terrifying times and conditions | The return of Jesus | Be alert and aware | The parable of the ten virgins | The parable of the king and the servants | The judgement of the Son of Man | The plot to kill Jesus | A woman anoints Jesus | Judas is looking for an opportune time | The preparation of the Passover festival | The last supper | The foretelling of Peter's denial | Jesus' prayer | The arrest of Jesus | Jesus at the Council of the Elders | Peter's denial | The decision of the elders | The suicide of Judas | Jesus before Pilate | Ridiculing Jesus | Jesus and the cross | Jesus' death | Jesus' burial | The guarding of the tomb | Jesus' resurrection | The deceit of the priests and the soldiers | The world and the message of Jesus